
Special lecture – Acting in Humanitarian Action: Approaches and possibilities in teaching and research

Acting in Humanitarian Action: Approaches and possibilities in teaching and research
Guest speaker – Feliciano dos Santos Calisto, Excutive Director of Estamos; José Domingos Chocome, Delegate of the Mozambique-Niassa Cristian Council; Sheikh Abdala Omar, Islamic Council of Mozambique-Niassa
The special lecture was organised by Universidade Rouvuma, MZ
Special lecture – Humanitarian Response and Protection

Humanitarian Response and Protection
Guest speaker – Hugo Reichenberger, Senior Protection Cluster Coordinator at UNHCR, The UN Refugee Center
The special lecture was organised by Universidade de Santiago, CV
Special Lecture – Forced Migrants in Mozambique

Forced Migrants in Mozambique
Guest speakers – Inês Raimundo, Eduardo Mondlane University
The special lecture was organised by Universidade Rouvuma, MZ
Special Lecture – The role of the university in humanitarian Action

The role of the university in humanitarian Action
The special lecture was organised by Universidade Pedagógica, MZ
Special lecture – Social responsibility of universities and extractive companies in the context of humanitarian and Mozambique crises

Social responsibility of universities and extractive companies in the context of humanitarian and Mozambique crises
Guest speaker – Armindo Ngunga, Agency for the Integrated Development of North
The special lecture was organised by Universidade Rouvuma, MZ
3rd international conference cycle on Humanitarian Action

On the 06th of march, Iscte organized the 3rd international conference cycle on Humanitarian Action, integrating the thematic webinars of HumAct project, on the topic “Can Humanitarian Action address forced migration causes and effects?” The webinar counted with guest speaker Professor Gloria Seruwagi, from Makerere University, Uganda.
Conference on the “Role of Nutrition in Humanitarian Action”

Within the scope of the HumAct project, the University of Santiago held a Conference on the “Role of Nutrition in Humanitarian Action”, given by Nutritionist Dr. Edith Pereira, from the WHO – World Health Organization, on February 3rd.
The conference was part of the adaptation of the curricular unit Nutrition for the Nursing course and aimed to show the importance of nutrition in humanitarian action. The event took place in a hybrid way
Special lecture – Humanitarian Action in Health

Humanitarian Action in Health
Guest speaker – Angela Vaz, Member of the Executive and Superior Council for Red Cross in Cape Verde
The special lecture was organised by Universidade de Santiago, CV
Special Lecture – Humanitarian action, climate change and Universities

Humanitarian action, climate change and Universities
The special lecture was organised by Universidade de Santiago, CV
Special Lecture – Celebrating Geographer’s Month – Climate change, forced migration and the challenge of humanitarian assistance in Mozambique

Celebrating Geographer’s Month – Climate change, forced migration and the challenge of humanitarian assistance in Mozambique
Guest speakers – Inês Raimundo, Eduardo Mondlane University; José Maria Longa – Environmental Observatory for Climate Change
The special lecture was organised by Universidade Pungue, MZ

3rd International Conference cycle on Humanitarian Action on the topic “Human Trafficking”20/04/2023

Moderator – Susana Santos, Iscte, PT
Herakles Moskof – Secretário Especial para a proteção de menores não acompanhados, Governo da Grécia
Marlene Almeida – Presidente do Observatório de
Tráfico de Seres Humanos, Cabo Verde
Rita Penedo – Chefe de Equipa do Observatório
de Tráfico de Seres Humanos (OTSH), Portugal
Guirino Nhatave – Direção de Pessoal e Formação
Comando Geral da Polícia – Ministério do Interior de Moçambique
The webinar was organised by Iscte, PT
Integration of Displaced People in the Context of Climate Crises and Conflicts

Moderator: Hélio Nganhane, University of Pungue, MZ
Luísa Meque, President of the National Institute for management and disaster risk reduction, MZ
Domingos Tavares, President for the National Service Of civil protection and firefighters, CV
Christos Lazaridis – Former member of the Greek Refugee forum, EL
The webinar was organised by the University of Pungue, Mozambique.
The Media and humanitarian action 21/10/2022

Moderator: Leonilda Sanveca, Universidade Pedagogica, MZ
Candida Pinto – Journalist, PT
Ricardo Machava – Journalist, MZ
The webinar was organised by the University Pedagogica de Maputo, Mozambique.
The Humanitarian Action and Child Protection

Moderator: Evaristo Uaila – Universidade de Pungue, MZ
Vladimir Adriano – Dept. of Children in Difficulty Situation – Ministry of gender child and social action, MZ
Paula da Silva – Programme Platform for Local Development and Decentralization Fund, CV
Lefteris Papagiannakis – Director of the Greek Council for Refugees, EL
The webinar was organised by the University Pedagogica de Maputo, Mozambique.
Risk management of natural disasters

Risk Management of Natural Disasters. Webinar held on Tuesday 28 September 2021,
Moderator Pedro A. Matos, PhD., University of Santiago, Cape Verde
The webinar was organised by the University Pedagogica de Maputo, Mozambique. [ presentation ]
Presentation by Sabil D. Mandala, PhD., Pedagogical University of Maputo, Mozambique [ presentation ]
War Displaced in Africa

Moderator: Nilton Cardoso, PhD, Uni-CV, Cape Verde
Adriano Nuvunga – Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, MZ
Fernando Cardoso – Iscte, PT
Nilton Cardoso – Universidade de Cabo Verde, CV
Sarita Herikson – Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, MZ
The webinar was organised by the University Pedagogica de Maputo, Mozambique. [ presentation ]